A Few Observations.
The country is know to us as Mexico but officially it is Estados Unidos (United States) Mexicanos – comprised of 31 Estados (States) and 1 Distrito (District) Federal.
The earliest human traces found in Mexico date from about 20,000 BC.
Over population looms as one of Mexico's greatest problem. In 1940 the population was 20 Million. In 2003 these numbers increased to over 100 Million. The present birth rate exceeds the death rate.
The people of Mexico are very friendly, helpful and considerate.
Mexican food is extremely tasty. I thoroughly enjoyed the cuisine in this country. These people loves their food and desserts. There is an abundance of bakery and pastry shops. I know I'll miss these meals when I move north of this border. Pass the Ketchup please.
Mexico is a county of great wealth in it's natural resources – oil, mining, fisheries, agricultural – However the wealth is spread amongst very few leaving the majority of the population struggling to provide for basic comforts.
Mexico is a land of extremes – affluent city neighborhoods consist of large homes with well tended gardens behind high walls with strong security gates – in villages people live in small buildings of adobe, wood or concrete with earth floors and roofs of tin. The wealthy drive Hummers / flashy cars while others travel by oxen cart / mule / burro / bicycle.
In 1985 an earthquake in Mexico City killed 10,000 - $4 billions in damages.
Mexicans drink more Coke-Cola per person the any other country in the world. The countries past president Vincente Fox was once the chief of Coke-Cola operations.
Denial hygiene in Mexico is very good. Mexican are always laughing and have beautiful smiles / teeth.
The family unit in Mexico is very solid. It isn't unusual to see teenage children walking hand-in-hand / arm-in-arm with parents or grandparents.
There appears to be a large number of teenage girls who are also teenage mothers.
Ninety percent of the the countries population practice Catholicism – Every community has one or more churches usually located in the community centre.
The trades workers produce a high quality finished product. This is often achieved without the use of power assisted tools.
Developers and project managers of high-rises hotels, resorts and condos have not implemented safe work practices. Worker safety on any construction sites is not a priority.
Hotels and restaurants are normally very clean. Staff are continuously cleaning, polishing & sweeping.
Mexico has a huge drug trade industry. Unfortunately organized crime has been able to control elected officials, police officers and anti-drug officials by buying them off.
A number of Canadians and Americans travel to Mexico to purchase prescription drugs and for low cost dental and medical treatment.
As a tourist destination Mexico has much to offer. During this past 3.5 months visit I have merely scratched the surface. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and will definitely return to this country south of winter – not in the immediate future but at a later time.
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