Eastern USA / 1
The following are a few highlights collected during the weeks of touring through Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.
Most of the touring through these south eastern states were along rural routes - Interstate highways were rarely utilized - The coastal states of North and South Carolina provided good riding however ocean views were unavailable - To satisfy a curiosity I rode through the community of Myrtle Beach to determine what would draws the large number of golfers to this city – perhaps it is the large number of golf courses – Hatteras National Seashore along North Carolina's Outer Bank provided a good day's ride - The inland-states which skirt the Appalachian Mountains provides some of North America's most popular motorcycle riding routes. The following are a few of my favorites .
Deals Gap / home of the famous Dragon with it's 318 turns in 11 miles along highway US 129 in Tennessee. Some claim this road to be America's number one motorcycle and sports car road.
The Cherahla Skyway provides 60 miles / 97 km of remote scenic mountain riding through Tennessee and North Carolina. This route provides an abundance of ups / downs and long sweeping turns. This route is highway 165 .
The Great Smoky Mountain National Park highway 441 through Newfound Gap.
Blue Ridge Parkway follows the Appalachian Mountains in Virginia and North Carolina
Shenandoah National Park – I'll remember this location as the only place I was caught for a speeding violation during this Continental Tour.
There are many other great touring routes throughout this region to locate them one simply has to select a rural route through the mountains.

“Way down upon the Suwannee River” / remember that tune - The Suwannee River flows southerly from this location in the Okeefenokee Swamp in Georgia to the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. On this day in late April a large forest fire was burning out of control a few miles east of this area.

It would be interesting to know the stories of the people who once called this northern Georgia cabin home.

This hydro generating station located on the Cheoah River near the Tennessee / North Carolina state line south of Smoky Mountain National park brought back thoughts of the past – It's great to be on the outside looking in!

A great motorcycle ride through the Great Smoky Mountain National Park which straddles the state line between North Carolina and Tennessee - Between 8 and 10 million people visit Great Smoky Mountains National Park each year making it the most visited national park in the country.

North Carolina's Bodie Island Lighthouse on the Outer Banks - A string of sandy barrier island more than 130 miles long that bow out into the Atlantic Ocean. One of it's community Kitty Hawk is were Orville and Wilbur’s Wright achieve the first powered aircraft flight on December 17th, 1903.

The Shenandoah National Park ranger sits in his SUV preparing a speeding ticket. The posted speed limit along the 105 miles / 169 km of skyline drive is 35 mph / 56 kph. It was a blast to ride the ups – downs and tight turns but I don't think it was worth the $107.00 plus $25.00 processing fee. I was guilty as charged – Unlike the municipal police officers I encountered in Mexico this park ranger provided me with a self addressed envelop and indicated I could utilize my visa to cover the cost. A good guys he was – we had a nice chat once the formalities were completed.

Alabama's Appalachian Mountains foothills - This mountain system of eastern North America extending about 1,600 miles / 2,574 km southwest from Newfoundland, New Brunswick and southern Quebec to central Alabama. The range includes the Allegheny, Blue Ridge and Cumberland mountains.

The rewards of riding rural routes - A great location for a break. This horse can down to the fence to determine what I was doing in his neighborhood.

Somewhere in the Shenandoah Valley.

Another great location for a break from riding.

I met the owner of this quality motorcycle a Ducati 851 and the trailer in North Carolina. It's owner Don from Fayetteville, Tennessee was in the region for a week of riding. The interesting point was Don also took along two more of his Ducati red-heads an 888 and a 900 – A beautiful collections of toys they were. A very enjoyable evening we had sharing a few cool ones and a great steak.

The Blue Ridge Parkway one of the most popular units of the National Park System . This roadway through Virginia and North Carolina is referred to as "America's Favorite Drive". It winds its way 469 miles / 755 km through mountain meadows past endless vistas - spectacular views of distant mountains and neighboring valleys. The north end of the Parkway leads to Shenandoah National Park - the south end to Great Smoky Mountains National park.
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